Payment Holds

Below is a list of individuals that curently have a payment hold. We need either a W9 form or Direct Deposit form or Both. It can take up to 6 business day for you information to clear once we have it.
Adler, Jaedyn
Chintala, Trevor
DePalo, Eric
Ellis, R Scott
Giusti, Mark
Jensen, Karla
LeDuc, Jude
Logan, Tyler
Lynn, Kai
Martinez, Everardo
Meyer, Samantha
Miller, Mike
Niquette, Andy
Parnell, Dane
Wallace, Olivia
Walter, Davis
Zuniga, Kevin

To get your payment released you can fill this information out online(log in and go under members and then My Payment information) or you can print and send in the forms below. The address is listed on the bottom of the Direct Deposit Authorization form.
