  • Meeting/Training Dates are posted for the upcoming recreational sports Seasons on our training dates page.  Please see that page for dates, times and locations. You can also sign up for the meeting/training you will be able to attend.  

Welcome to NCSO

NCSO is the premier officiating organization in northern Colorado. Whatever your goals as an official- little leagues or big leagues; summer income or life-long avocation; or somewhere in between- the NCSO has the knowledge, commitment, and contacts to get you there. Please take your time and explore this web-site. Information on pay, training, dues, etc. is at your fingertips, as are the answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to e-mail us at

New Officials

NCSO is always looking for great people to officiate games in Northern Colorado. Follow the link below to see what sports we have to offer and to get signed up.  Check back here to see upcoming trainings.

NCSO Pictures
We are looking for pictures of Northern Colorado officials in action to add to our website. If you would like to share any of your photos, please send them to

Carl Crew 2008. Kevin Strahley, Ryan Roark, Marc Rademacher, Paul Holland, Gary Kietzmann.

Bob McCaslin (the Governor) wearing his NCSO issued "GOV" jacket.

Marc Misuraca ejecting a player in the Fort Collins - Rocky game after a collision at the plate.

One of the Memorial Day weekend golf outings.

Nick Ramos striking a pose at Howelsen Park.

Luis Villalobos at Suplizio Field in Grand Junction for part of the Triple Crown World Series.

Perry Lewis calling a foul.

Under the tent at Howelsen Park, Steamboat Springs.

Devon Kling working the bases at GYSC.

2011 13AAA USSSA State Championship game(Earl Griebler, Tyler Kleager, Mason Smith, Roger Aaseng, Mo Runyon, Thomas Barnett).

Kevin "Opie" Ainsworth working the plate at a CSU club game at City Park.

Luis Villalobos avoiding a coach at the end of a RMAC game.

Jimmy Volpi having a discussion with a Manager in a AAA game in New Mexico.

Cody Allenbrand ringing-up a batter in college game.

Brandon Ohr getting into a close play at the plate.

Cole Allenbrand working the plate for the little guys.

Kingsley crew back in 1993. (Mike Buonpane, Troy Krenning, Robert Kingsley, Duan Settle,Dan Hanyes)

Marc Rademacher watching a possible sack at French Field.

Ryan Roark before the 2014 state championship game at Mile High Stadium.

Sean Grogan with a spot at French Field.

Allan Hampson goofing around before a game at Ray Patterson Field.

Rob Montoya working the Fossil Ridge Lakewood game in 2016.

Rob Montoya working the 2018 5A state final.

Rob Montoya working the 2018 5A state final.

Allan Hampson works the wing.

Fort Collins crew working a playoff game in Brush in 1994.

Ryan Garcia taking a photo with one of the 10u coaches during the Mountain Magic Tournament.

Gary "Karl" Kietzmann and Chris "Karl" Fryrear before a game at French Field. (2005)

Jordan Bishop working the 2022 CHSAA playoffs.

Josh Dart and the catcher walking towards the dugout during a GEYL rec Championship game in 2021.

Marc Misuraca doing the coin flip with Sonny Lubick before the Fort Collins vs. Fossil Ridge game at Canvas Stadium. (2022)

Mike Parachini and Dan Fahrenbruch walk the Timnath captions out to mid field during their inaugural season in. (2022)

Jeff France working a college game in 2022.

Marc Rademacher flipping the coin before the Fossil Ridge vs Poudre game at French Field. (2022)

Mason Smith, Kurt Carpenter, Doug Ramirez, Kirk Terry and Nick Bragiti before 6-man playoff game at North Park. (2022)

2022 6-Man State Championship Crew. (Simone Gordo - Alternate - Wray, Michael Buchanan - Lind Judge - Lamar, Joseph Shafer - Referee - Wray, Shawn Loos - Back Judge - Greeley, Mark Moffett - Linesman - Fort Collins, Bryan Norfleet - Umpire - Colorado Springs)

2022 5A State Championship.(David McKeever-FJ-Colorado Springs, John Treacy-LJ-Denver, Kirk Russell-U-Denver, Karl Kramer-R-Denver, Brian Wheeler-L-Grand Junction, Brian Schneider-SJ-Greeley, Mason Smith-BK-Fort Collins)

NCSO Payroll
The following links will take you the forms that you need to have filled out to work for and get paid by NCSO and the pay dates on when you will get paid for a given contest for which NCSO pays. If you have already turned in these forms you will not need to do it again unless you need to update your information:


Pay Dates

Missing a payment?
If your have not seen a payment from NCSO you can click the link below to see if you need to provide more information.

Payment Holds

How do Schools Pay?

True Blue

Follow the link below if would need a new NCSO umpire hat or would like to get NCSO OR True Blue swag.

Online Store